The second solution is UAM, which will transfer a large amount of traffic to the 3rd dimension. Organizing such a movement seems to be very difficult. We believe that when analyzing the history of urban planning we should create assumptions suitable for the new way of communication.

We propose to create a new geodetic system based on Buckminster Fuller's grids. By defining airways in 3 directions at different levels, we can define virtual corridors that will lead everyone from point A to point B. Such a structure will cause that at high traffic volumes there will be no collision and slight elongation of the road will be compensated by traffic flow and no need for unexpected changes in flight directions. Also, each participant in space will operate in a fixed coordinate system and will have to analyze a relatively small amount of data. We are convinced that the defined flight control system in urban space will quickly have a huge impact on thinking about urban planning. Urban planning will certainly adapt to new opportunities. It is sufficient that some of the traffic moves up and the freed roads regain efficiency. Perhaps in the future, all traffic will be moved into the air and underground and the recovered areas will be used for recreation.

There is a very simple idea that gives us the chance to significantly reduce traffic. All we have to do is go back to the old standards and create jobs and places of residence in the same place. If we introduce 10% of such solutions, we will reduce traffic by approximately 10%. For this to happen, it is necessary to introduce a tax law which will transfer savings cost from reducing the load level on the city's infrastructure, to tax relief for individuals and companies that offer hybrid solutions.

The biggest reason for traffic congestion was the separation of jobs and living space.

Starting in the 20th century, a number of urban planning theories came into prominence and, depending on their popularity and longevity, influenced the appearance and experience of the urban landscape.

The primary goal of city planning in the mid-20th century was comprehensiveness. An increasing recognition of the interdependence of various aspects of the city led to the realization that land use, transport, and housing needed to be designed in relation to each other.

Perhaps the single most influential factor in shaping the physical form of the contemporary city was transportation technology

The evolution of transport modes from foot and horse to mechanized vehicles facilitated tremendous urban territorial expansion. Workers were able to live far from their jobs, and goods could move quickly from point of production to the market. However, automobiles and buses rapidly congested the streets in the older parts of cities. By threatening strangulation of traffic, they dramatized the need to establish new kinds of orderly circulation systems. Increasingly, transportation networks became the focus of planning activities, especially as subway systems were constructed in New York, London, and Paris at the beginning of the 20th century. To accommodate increased traffic, municipalities invested heavily in widening and extending roads.

Urban Mobility

Already in ancient Greece, people had workshops on the street and lived in the back of the property.

And now constantly growing cities are forcing us to apply new system solutions.

A new way of communication will allow cities to develop using new possibilities

Solutions of traffic congestion

Traffic congestion

Urban AIR Mobility







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